Yesterday at my weight loss support group, the nutritionist handed out a sheet with the 10 Commandments of Bariatric Eating. There is a lot of good information, so I'd like to share it.
I. You Shall Include Protein At All Meals. Protein rich foods keep you feeling full long after you've finished eating. Good protein sources: chicken, turkey, lean meat, fish, eggs, egg whites, nonfat/lowfat dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt), beans, tofu and protein shakes.
II. You Shall Choose Solid Foods Over Soft, Mushy or Liquidy Foods. Solid foods fill up your pouch and stay in your pouch longer than soft, mushy or liquidy foods do. Solids: poultry, fish, meat, beans, whole fruits and vegetables, etc. Mushy: ice cream, some soups, coffee drinks, milkshakes, etc.
III. You Shall Not Eat and Drink at the Same Time. Doing so makes your solid foods mushy! Avoid drinking 15-30 minutes before and after meals.
IV. You Shall Avoid Beverages that Contain Calories. Liquids pass through your pouch quickly. Translation: lots of calories without ever feeling full. Avoid soda, juice, milkshakes, coffee drinks and sugar sweetened beverages.
V. You Shall Take Small Bites. Take bites only as big as a pea, pencil eraser or a dime to lessen your chances of causing an obstruction and to slow you down. Tip: Use a baby spoon.
VI. You Shall Chew Thoroughly. Chew each bite 25-30 times or until the food in your mouth is unidentifiable. This will lessen your chances of causing an obstruction.
VII. You Shall Eat Slowly. Allowing 20-30 minutes to eat a meal prevents you from overeating which can cause you to vomit and/or cause your pouch to stretch. Try putting your fork or spoon down between bites.
VIII. You Shall Stop Eating as Soon as You Feel Full. Overeating can cause distress. Persistent overeating can cause your pouch to stretch. Tip: Signs of fullness include pressure under ribcage, pressure in chest/shoulders and nausea.
IX. You Shall Stay Hydrated. Drink 6-8 cups of calorie free, non-carbonated, caffeine-free beverages every day. Drinking adequate fluid prevents dehydration and constipation. (Remember to drink between meals, not with meals.) Tip: Drink 2 ounces every 15 minutes.
X. You Shall Take Your Daily Vitamins. Nutrient deficiencies are possible whether due to a lower food intake, malabsorption caused by weight loss surgery or both.
Thank you for sharing this post. I found it very helpful and informative. I got bariatric weight loss surgery about a year ago. It was highly successful, losing 100 pounds in the process. I stayed very strict with my bariatric eating and will continue to do so. Blog posts like these really help me out and give me insight for my diet.