Wednesday, December 1, 2010

CPAP Issues

I got my CPAP a couple days ago and I'm having some major issues.
To backtrack, I do not have obstructive sleep apnea, I only had 3 OSA's during my sleep study and they diagnosed me with hypopnea, I had 188 of those.  They set my pressure at 24/20.  Someone mentioned that I probably have a BiPap, but I really don't know.  The lady who set it up said it was a CPAP (and that's what the paperwork says) but the user manual says Respironics BiPAP Auto Bi-Flex.  It has a ramp, and I was able to turn it down from a start of 11 to 4 and that helped enormously to get used to it.  The mask they gave me is a ResMed Mirage Quattro Full Face Mask.

The problems are:

1.  I'm a belly sleeper, and well, there's really no way around that.  To use this thing, I have to give it up.  I really can't afford one of those special pillows right now, my husband has been off work since January when he fell off a roof at work. 

2.  It's extremely uncomfortable.  I hate having it on my face, I even have an issue with my glasses, I just can't stand things touching my face.

3.  It's way too tight, but if I losen it there's leaks.  It leaves red marks all over my face and the tension on the back of my head is painful.

4.  I feel like I'm having a very difficult time fully exhaling, it feels like my lungs just can't hold any more and I can't force what's in there out.

5.  I only wore it for an hour, but my throat is so dry it hurts!   I have tried the humidifier at 3, 4 and 5 and nothing makes a difference.

6.  Once the pressure reaches 18, the mask starts lifting up.

7.  Once the pressure is 18-20, leaks start.

8.  Anything over 20 is full on leaks which I just can't control, the mask is already too tight and the pressure lifts the mask up and causes leaks.  No adjusting stops it.  So I hit the ramp button and start all over, then give up.

9.  Oh, another major thing I've noticed is that over 20, I actually stop breathing and that really freaks me out.  I'm scared to leave it on all night.

I am supposed to take the machine to the cpap clinic next week, so I just need to get through this until then.  I have a perpetual case of allergies and wonder if this is affecting treatment.  I also think I may have a sinus infection (green mucus, bloody nose, I know, eww - sorry.)

Is it normal for the mask to start lifting off the face?  I don't know how I can adjust it anymore, it's just too tight already.  When I go to the cpap clinic, I'll ask about different masks.  I'd really prefer a nasal one, the pillows that I've heard about.

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